confession: this photo wasnt taken on South African soil, rather, it was taken in the Okavango Delta in Botswana while on a camping trip. outside my home (a 2-man instant tent) in the delta.
its been 4 months and 10 days since i embarked on the adventure of my life. all too soon, i'll be going home to Singapore, read: NUS, life's many dramas....home, basically.
home, what a word.
the lovely house in Bellville, Capetown was home for the 3 weeks we were there.
Tuksdorp has become home to me in the 2 months plus that i've been here.
and of course, home as in, h-o-m-e.
i never used to use this word so often in so many contexts, ever.
then again, these 3 different places dont really validate the usage of the word "many".
i've settled down here. must i really leave?
i came with the idea that this would be one (really) long adventure,
never imagined that i would come to love this place with all its quirks,
and that i would actually call it "home".
but soon, home will once again be that white & blue room, with my huge spacious desk and that dumb, but cute dog of mine running up and down. it will soon be humid days spent hiding in the freezing temperatures of starbucks and NUS central library, and weekends spent in church or somewhere in the east. oh, and of course, meeting up with all the amazing people who make home home.
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