Friday, 21 January 2011
good coffee with good company is what i miss the most about south africa.
a typical day goes as such: i wake up at 9 and snooze until 10, spend some quiet moments praying and thinking until 11, then open my room door to face the not-so-hostile world. a peanutbutter & banana sandwich on the way to the coffeeplace suffices for a simple brunch. and the rest of the day chilling with a nice cup of coffee. sometimes enjoying the company of those around me, sometimes chatting online to people i love back home, and sometimes just daydreaming about life and all its what-ifs. those were good days, and those were common days.
i need to find a spot like that. here.
admittedly, life is good now. the semi-dread i had about starting this semester is gone, washed aside by peace and replaced with hope. because for one, God has blessed me with the guidance and confirmation i needed to take this step of faith, and also because i see that this year is going to be another adventure into the unknown.
every now and then, snippets of my life back in South Africa hit the replay button & i cannot help but give thanks for all the blessings that God has brought my way. i'm done wishing i could go back because i have brought some important parts of it back - the friendships. (the internet is a very very awesome invention. like, reaaally, reaaaally awesome.) & the emails i get really do make my day. (:
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