taken at the apartheid museum in johannesburg. one of the excursions i took with mary-lou. i like this pic for the pensiveness that it brings across, even with all its flaws, i think the emotion comes through pretty well. should probably learn some proper post-processing skills. anyhow. this picture just reflects my mood today.
nothing bad. but nothing particularly good either. because i dont know where life is taking me. or, God rather. its just one of those days where the good times are a pleasant memory, bad times are a distant lesson, and the future remains so full of uncertainty and apprehension. its just another moment where the days to come scare the heck out of you, and dare you to dream. hence the picture. because its a timely reminder that no matter what, they eventually become memories.
and i'll revisit them like the current generations revisit the past of the apartheid; admiring the heroes of that generation and pondering the mistakes of many.
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