today, it was a good and hard day. pardon the low quality picture of my feet. i took this using my handphone even before i'd fully caught my breath. (:
manymany thoughts during the half marathon. (: it was a pretty awesome run except for the stitches.... never had such bad stitches during my runs, let alone run with them! crouching over to run gave me a flashback to bball trainings... but anyway, i decided to run through the pain, up the hill, and right through. it was punishing, but it was also rewarding.
my only thought when i crossed the line: wow. this is how far God has brought me. this is how i want my life to be, running the race for Him, with Him.
and today i needed that reminder... i still do. i'm being drained because i'm so tired of waiting and not knowing, of hoping and embracing disappointment with more hope. and having this reminder gives me the strength to keep the faith. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love - Gal 5:6.
But i know, i want to come out of this a better person, not embittered, hurt and defensive, rather, someone who'll one day, bear fruit from branches that have been pruned. and i never want to stop taking steps in the right direction, no matter how small and tired those steps may be.
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