Bali deep week day 1: it was easy re-introduction back into the water – surprisingly easy, until right at the end, and then bam – one missed equalisation later, the sinus strikes.
Day 2: Dives not past 8m and then FIM to 17m right at the end
Day 3: easy hang at 10m, FIM to 20, CNF to 15 x3, CWT to 18m
Conversations were interesting and varied today. Why freediving? A lot of it is the challenge but also the draw of it being satisfying, something that needs to be reached.
Lisa's story sticks with me – a form of hideout, falling into the discovery of it. Roger and Tony; the openness and inclusivity. Michael and Joey, wanting to travel through Asia.
God, where does this lead to? A reminder that this is not just me, not just a livelihood.
Teach me to be like Jesus, who came to serve, to seek and save those of us who are lost.
Teach me how to love like He did, in truth and compassion – sacrificially.
Teach me the ways that You call good and righteous, to walk the journey of faith.
For Deep Week, Lord, open my eyes to You: show me where You are in this sport/hobby, where You are already at work in the lives of those around me.
I'm somewhat afraid to ask Lord – mostly because I'm unsure of my motivations. Give me time with M, Lord. And good conversations during that time – meaningful and memorable ones. God, I wonder if You have put her on my heart and I wonder if I am drawn to her, in ways that I wish I didn't. I find it serendipitous that A and her are obviously friends. And that, by virtue of Alan being on her buoy on the first day, there are connections.
But even with the rest; those of whom I'm unsure of, those whom I have overlooked. God, will you show me the way to their hearts, show me what this is about freediving that you have called me to. I have questions; a community? Being known in circles? What happens? But God, I know You are with me, and I know Your grace is enough for me, and I know You will lead me in the way I should go. So help me – and to that, I know, You will help me.
Lord, have full reign in my life. There's an urgency to the days, and I pray that I will see You, know You and love You. More and more and more.
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