Wednesday, 20 July 2011
do it.
i took this picture, against M's wishes on their way back from the trek (but she still loves me, i know)
it wasnt a longdrop toilet, but it was the african bush.
this was on our way back from the outreach area in KwamHlanga, with no engin garage (i.e. petrol kiosk) in sight, and i refused to risk our safety stopping at random township settlements along the way. so poor monica had to go, in the bush. hehh. lucky it was only us girls.
and R went with her, as a good leader does when her members are in need. (literally).
she said she would go, and she did. i said i'd take a picture that wouldnt go on facebook, and it didnt, its on my blog. (ok, i took a series of pictures, and this was the only one she reaally opposed. heh.)
love the expression on R's face. (: and the roll of toilet paper in her hand.
the thing is, words have never ever felt so cheap, never. promises are one thing when kept, the heart's motive that keeps them, however, is another thing. especially when they are kept out of mere duty. and words that encouraged trust, now they simply serve as slaves of empty talk.
but God's word, is faithful, and it is true.
to place my hope, not in unfaithful men, but on God, alone.
1 Thess 5:24 - faithful is He who calls you, who will also do it.
disclaimer - this photo was taken on their way back! after certain business was attended to. (:
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