
Monday, 17 December 2018

"You don't know anything"

He's been through 2 break ups, a friend's suicide, a car accident - multiple...
She's a cancer survivor, walked her daughter through a stalking incident, PTSD, navigated church politics, discovered a generation in need of cathartic expressions...
This other one, has her head in the clouds and a heart that feels deeply. She has been there for her mother's meltdowns and carries her father's financial woes with him...

I'm tempted to ask: What's my story in comparison?

And while I know, it's not about this, I wonder -- if I'm so easily affected in the (comparatively) smaller and less severe issues -- then, what can I say of who I am, and what I know?

There really isn't much.

And I guess, while I can boast that I know of God's heart -- because of what I've seen and heard, and I can boast in my weaknesses -- because of all that intimidates me, I am really in no position to judge, or to consider less of others.

The frustrating thing is that I do.

And at the same time, I seek affirmation that puts me up there. Validation, that I can do something. All the while, knowing that no matter how much of it I get, it will never be enough -- because it is unwarranted.

What I judge as something that matters is that tenacity of spirit, the tenderness of heart for others and the hunger and passion for the presence of God -- but I have none of it, and I struggle with those values and abiding by them and the values of the world that still define so much of my thinking.


Money woes. Financial (in)security. For posterity: It has been a while since I've spent so much on Christmas gifts. And its only for the cell group and colleagues... But I remember two nights ago, as I was doing my mental sums, and considering gifts for the kids, this came to mind: I'd spend - gladly - much, much more on each individual; because the value that every single one brings, is worth so much more than what I can give. And for the few, who have blessed me with so much, what they have given me is worth so much more.

And I realise, now, that isn't this what the love of Christ has done for me?

Lord, change me. Renew my mind, make me like You. Loving, generous, holy.
I'm still judging, I'm still ... well,  work-in-progress?
10 years ago, Doulos changed my life and outlook.
I'm really struggling, God. The jealousy is real. And it is ugly, too. I'm not sure what I'd do with a 10k bonus myself, but I feel the pinch.
God, will this struggle ever become easier?


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