Nine days into 2019.
On the first day, we went for a run after they enjoyed the dinner.
On the second day, I worked from a cafe and ran again.
On the third, we ran up a hill - twice.
On the fourth, I went home early with a blasted head.
The headache continued through the fifth; but I went for prata anyway.
On the sixth day of January, I developed heat rash on my ass.
On the seventh, it was a day of rest – I didn't leave my bed until nearly five.
And then I met with a cheerfully-stubborn responsibility.
But, on the eighth, after a day of schedules and frustrations, I found out her dad left home.
Today, we've almost made it nine days in:
He was unusually talkative. I behaved like I wasn't in Singapore and enjoyed the conversation. A chance meeting at a coffeeshop and some tentative diving plans. An abnormally brave student. Some quiet during my meal. And then an update, devoid of emotion.
"According to the counsel of my will"
"I loved you through all those people"
2018 didn't end so well – screwed up, swore off photography, binge-watched the year in. But 2019, I've got visitors coming, plans for diving, studies to enjoy, lessons to teach and grow. 2019 beckons, and it is a little scary how God isn't at the forefront of it; neither Him nor the writing He has called me to.
And today, there's just 40 minutes left to the end of today. I think I'll run away.
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